Last year, J-Rock band Matenrou Opera announced that they would finally go major. In December, 2010, the group finally released the major debut album "Abyss", greatly showcasing each member's talents.
"Abyss"s cover
While keeping indie Matenrou's style, the band made an spectacular good use of the new major sound quality, composing true epic rock songs. Sono proves to dominate even different genres like what you can hear in "Frill" (track 03) and Anzi is still a beast, soloing in "Finale..." (track 07). In fact, Matenrou Opera got better as a whole.
"Coal tar" (track 04) - melodic perfection
"Abyss" is J-Rock perfection for me. I'm glad that the band kept their identity, since many visual-kei groups tend to be different when going major. Listen to this album if you like the style, you won't regret it!
"Frill" (track 03) - successful experimentation
My Favorite Tracks:
Coal tar